Il XIV Piano Quinquennale ci aiuta a definire il prossimo sviluppo del settore F&B in Cina.
In questa serie di interventi riportiamo alcuni passaggi fondamentali in traduzione Inglese.
"The Plan, as a blueprint which charts the course for China’s development up to 2025, requires to boost the overall agricultural production capacity. The main measures include: build a national food security industrial belt, implement high-quality farmland development projects, and build contiguous high-quality farmland of more than 71.67 million hectares; carry out chernozem soil conservation projects and strengthen the conservation of chernozem soils and restoration of soil fertility in northeast China; consolidate the foundation of grain production capacity and ensure the supply of important agricultural products such as grain, cotton, cooking oil, sugar, meat, and milk; enforce the strictest possible system for protecting farmland, strengthen the protection of farmland quantity and enhance its quality, ensure the total area of China’s farmland stay above the red line of 120 million hectares, prevent the use of farmland for non-agricultural and non-grain purposes, regulate the balance between the occupation and replenishment of farmland, and strictly prohibit the replacement of superior land with inferior land and irrigable land with to non-irrigable land."

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